ct_$('html').ultimateGDPR({ popup_style: { position: 'bottom-left', // bottom-left, bottom-right, bottom-panel, top-left, top-right, top-panel distance: '20px', // distance betwen popup and window border box_style: 'classic', // classic, modern box_shape: 'rounded', // rounded, squared background_color: '#fff584', // color in hex text_color: '#542d04', // color in hex button_shape: 'rounded', // squared, rounded button_color: '#e1e1e1', // color in hex button_size: 'normal', // normal, large box_skin: 'skin-dark-theme', // skin-default-theme, skin-dark-theme, skin-light-theme gear_icon_position: 'bottom-left', // top-left, top-center, top-right, center-left, center-right, bottom-left, bottom-center, bottom-right gear_icon_color: '#6a8ee7', //color in hex }, popup_options: { parent_container: 'body', // append plugin html to this element selector always_show: false, // true, false, when true popup is displayed always even when consent is given gear_display: true, // true, false when true displays icon with cookie settings popup_title: 'Cookies', // title for popup popup_text: 'Damit diese Seite richtig funktioniert, legen wir manchmal kleine Dateien mit dem Namen Cookies auf Ihrem Gerät ab. Die meisten großen Websites tun dies auch.', // text for popup accept_button_text: 'Akzeptieren', // string, text for accept button read_button_text: 'Lesen Sie mehr', // string, text for read more button read_more_link: '/index.php?id=11', // string, link to the Read More page advenced_button_text: 'Einstellungen ändern', // string, text for advenced button grouped_popup: true, // true, false, when true cookies are grouped default_group: 'group_2', // string: name, select group that will be selected by default content_before_slider: '


Mit dem Schieberegler können Sie verschiedene Arten von Cookies aktivieren oder deaktivieren:

', // string: this content will be displayed before cookies slider, html tags alowed accepted_text: 'Diese Website wird:', declined_text: "Diese Website wird nicht:", save_btn: 'Speichern und schließen', // string, text for modal close btn prevent_cookies_on_document_write: false, // prevent cookies on document write when there is no agreement for cookies check_country: false, countries_prefixes: ['AT', 'BE', 'BG', 'HR', 'CY', 'CZ', 'DK', 'EE', 'FI', 'FR', 'DE', 'GR', 'HU', 'IE', 'IT', 'LV', 'LT', 'LU', 'MT', 'NL', 'PL', 'PT', 'RO', 'SK', 'SI', 'ES', 'SE', 'GB'], cookies_expire_time: 30, // set number of days, you can use 0 for session only or 'unlimited' cookies_path: '/', // sets custom path use / for global, '/your_path' for custom path or 'current' for current path reset_link_selector: '.ct-uGdpr-reset', first_party_cookies_whitelist: [], third_party_cookies_whitelist: [], cookies_groups_design: 'skin-1', // skin-1, skin-2, skin-3 assets_path : '/assets', // absolute path to directory with assets video_blocked: 'Dieser Inhalt ist gesperrt!', iframe_blocked: false, cookie_popup_close_color:'#fff', cookies_groups: { group_1: { name: 'Grundlegend', // string: name enable: true, // true, false, you can disable this group by using false icon: 'fas fa-check', // string icon class from font-awesome see -> http://fontawesome.io list: ['Merken Sie sich Ihre Cookie-Berechtigungseinstellung', 'Session-Cookies zulassen', 'Sammeln Sie Informationen, die Sie in Kontaktformulare, Newsletter und andere Formulare auf allen Seiten eingeben', 'Verfolgen Sie, was Sie im Einkaufswagen eingeben', 'Authentifizieren Sie, dass Sie in Ihrem Benutzerkonto angemeldet sind', 'Merken Sie sich die von Ihnen gewählte Sprachversion'], // array list of options blocked_url: [], // array list of url blocked scripts local_cookies_name: [], // array, list of local cookies names }, group_2: { name: 'Funktionalität', // string: name enable: true, // true, false, you can disable this group by using false icon: 'fas fa-cog', // string icon class from font-awesome see -> http://fontawesome.io list: ['Merken Sie sich die Einstellungen für soziale Medien', 'Merken Sie sich die ausgewählte Region und das Land',], blocked_url: [], // array list of url blocked scripts local_cookies_name: [], // array, list of local cookies names }, group_3: { name: 'Analytik', // string: name enable: true, // true, false, you can disable this group by using false icon: 'fas fa-chart-bar', // string icon class from font-awesome see -> http://fontawesome.io list: ['Verfolgen Sie Ihre besuchten Seiten und Interaktion', 'Verfolgen Sie anhand Ihrer IP-Nummer den Standort und die Region', 'Verfolgen Sie die Zeit auf jeder Seite', 'Erhöhen Sie die Datenqualität der Statistikfunktionen'], blocked_url: [], // array list of url blocked scripts local_cookies_name: [], // array, list of local cookies names }, group_4: { name: 'Werbung', // string: name enable: true, // true, false, you can disable this group by using false icon: 'fas fa-exchange-alt', // string icon class from font-awesome see -> http://fontawesome.io list: ['Verwenden Sie Informationen für maßgeschneiderte Werbung mit Dritten', 'Ermöglicht Ihnen, eine Verbindung zu sozialen Websites herzustellen', 'Identifizieren Sie das Gerät, das Sie verwenden', 'Sammeln Sie persönlich identifizierbare Informationen wie Name und Ort'], blocked_url: [], // array list of url blocked scripts local_cookies_name: [], // array, list of local cookies names }, }, }, age_popup_style: { position: 'top-panel', // bottom-left, bottom-right, bottom-panel, top-left, top-right, top-panel distance: '20px', // distance between popup and window border box_style: 'classic', // classic, modern box_shape: 'rounded', // rounded, squared background_color: '#fff584', // color in hex text_color: '#542d04', // color in hex button_shape: 'rounded', // squared, rounded button_color: '#e1e1e1', // color in hex box_skin: 'skin-dark-theme', // skin-default-theme, skin-dark-theme, skin-light-theme }, age_popup_options: { parent_container: 'body', // append plugin html to this element selector always_show: false, // true, false, when true popup is displayed always even when consent is given popup_title: 'Age verification', // title for popup popup_text: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation.', // text for popup age_limit: 13, // age limit to enter assets_path : 'assets', // absolute path to directory with assets disable_popup: false, // true/false, when true popup will be disabled and hidden on the website }, forms: { prevent_forms_send: false, // true, false, when enabled forms get checkbox with info that need to be checked for form send prevent_forms_text: 'I consent to the storage of my data according to the Privacy Policy', // string: information for checkbox info prevent_forms_exclude: [], // array of selectors (classes, id), this forms will be excluded from prevent }, configure_mode: { on: false, parametr: '?configure123456', dependencies: [ 'assets/css/ct-ultimate-gdpr.min.css', 'https://use.fontawesome.com/releases/v5.0.13/css/all.css'], debug: false, // bool: true false, debug mode on/off (showing all 3rd party cookies urls, blockes urls names of all local cookies and names of blocked local cookies ) } });